Meet the partners

The Navigator Company
Celsa Huta Ostrowiec
Celsa Group
University of Porto
University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento Sant'Anna (SSSA)
Water Europe
Strane Innovation


Created in 2011, CETIM is a technological centre are oriented to offer services and to satisfy the technological needs of its collaborators in the industry and the public administration. We are a scientific partner of reference creating value through research and technology development processes. CETIM focuses its activity on knowledge, science, and technologies, offering transversal solutions for a sustainable future in all relevant to all sectors. With a focus on circular economy and sustainability the centre works in 3 main Areas of expertise: ECO BIO technologies, advanced materials, and digital industry.


CETIM is the coordinator of RESURGENCE and as such will ensure its successful implementation reaching the expected impact at EU level. Furthermore, CETIM’s role in the project is focused on Water treatment technologies – advanced oxidation processes, membrane technologies, biological treatments, electrochemical processes, adsorption, ionic liquids as well as environmental & socio-economic impact assessment of water management, resource recovery, and effluent regeneration.



RAIZ – Forest and Paper Research Institute is a private non-profit organization recognized as Research and Technology Organization of the Portuguese Scientific and Technological System, which develops research, consulting, specialized services and training on forest, pulp and paper and forest-based bio refineries areas of expertise.

Organik Kimya

Organik Kimya

Organik Kimya offers water based, solvent borne and redispersible powder polymer solutions as well as hotmelt adhesive solutions across diverse markets and applications, such as coatings, construction, textile & leather, PSA & paper and industrial adhesives, all aimed at contributing to a brighter future for humanity. Its manufacturing and service locations in Turkey, the Netherlands and Switzerland enable it to serve its customers all around the world. Organik Kimya has been employing the power of science and customer intimacy since its humble beginnings in 1924 and started its polymer emulsions production in 1965 with this notion.


Organik Kimya takes place in the project as an end user which represents chemical industry.

Celsa Huta Ostrowiec

Celsa Huta Ostrowiec

Celsa Huta Ostrowiec is a producer of construction and specialized applications steel products located in Poland.


Celsa Huta Ostrowiec will be an integrator and tester of the water treatment technologies developed during the project. In CHO water network of continuous casting will be installed pilot demonstrating operation of constituent solutions enabling longer times or cooling water retention.

Celsa Group

Celsa Group

Celsa Group is a leading company in Europe in the production of low-emission circular steel, they produce steel in the most sustainable way possible, in electric arc furnaces from the recycling of ferrous scrap.

Their two main objectives for 2050 are to complete our circularity and become a Net positive company with the aim of offering the planet and society more than what they receive. Similarly, by 2030, they want to reduce our Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions by 50%.


Steel use case demonstrator

Celsa Group


Aqualia is the water management company owned by the citizen services group FCC (51%) and by the Australian ethical fund IFM Investors (49%). The company is the fourth water company in Europe by population served and the ninth in the world, according to the latest Global Water Intelligence ranking (2022). The Headquarters is located in Madrid (Spain). Aqualia currently provides service to 45.2 million users in 18 countries in Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and North Africa.

The company is positioned as a reference brand in the sector, positioned as avant-garde, specialized, transparent and innovative.
Aqualia assumes its responsibility to society and the environment by developing an R&D strategy that cares for such a necessary good for life as water. The company maintains permanent contact with the various agents in its surroundings to empower and improve the activity of the Innovation and Technology Department.

Celsa Group

University of Porto

U.PORTO is one the most prestigious Higher Education Institutions of Europe, with origins dating back to the 18th century. It has > 35 0000 students, 3700 teaching staff and researchers, and around 1750 administrative staff, spread across its 14 faculties and 1 business school. The Faculty of Engineering (FEUP, is the largest faculty of U.PORTO, with > 8000 students (degree) and > 950 teaching staff and researchers across different departments. It is located in the Asprela Campus, the main university campus in the city of Porto. FEUP is in the heart of Porto Innovation District and is the engine behind the success of The Science and Technology Park of the university (UPTEC) the winner of the 2013 European Region Stars Award for Smart Growth. FEUP is the host institution of the R&D unit LSRE-LCM ( – Associate Laboratory in Chemical Engineering (ALiCE).


U.PORTO role in the project is focused on the development of industrial wastewater treatment technologies based on advanced oxidation and separation processes, such as ozonation, wet peroxide oxidation and membrane distillation.

Celsa Group

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Since its founding in 1827, KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden, has grown to become one of Europe’s leading technical and engineering universities, and a key centre of intellectual talent and innovation. KTH is working with industry and society in the pursuit of sustainable solutions for some of humanity’s greatest challenges: climate change, future energy supply, urbanisation and quality of life for the rapidly growing elderly population. Basic and applied research are performed side-by-side at KTH and interdisciplinary research is conducted in parallel with work in specific fields. KTH embraces academia and the public and private sectors working together. KTH is part of extensive international research collaborations and participate in a large number of educational exchange or joint programmes with universities and colleges in Europe, the U.S., Australia, Asia and Africa


KTH is involved in development of flow-through capacitive deionization (CDI) for improving water treatment efficiency wherein PBAs-modified activated carbon electrodes will be used to increase density of active electrochemical sites for increased adsorption capacity and ionic selectivity. Furthermore, KTH will study energy recovery from water treatment processes to optimize the recovery of accumulated chemical energy (Salinity gradient energy, SGE) during the desalination of Industrial Wastewater (IWW) by CDI.



National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST) is among the leading universities in Pakistan, working as a premier in the field of science & technology. NUST has unlatched milestone achievement by standing among Top 300 world universities as per Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2023. The university produces professionals and researchers of high caliber which can develop indigenous technologies to meet the growing demands of the 21st century. Creativity and innovation are embedded as core values in their scholastic activities. NUST has incorporated SDGs across its major four domains: Academics, Research & Innovation, Operations and Governance, and Internal and external collaborations. An outstanding feature of the university is that while maintaining traditional values of excellence in teaching and research, it challenges conventional practices and creates new ways of developing and delivering courses, pertaining to emerging disciplines, on the most modern lines.


The role of NUST in the RESURGENCE project is the evaluation of lab-scale systems treating industrial wastewater (IWW), water reclamation, and reuse. The systems being investigated are based on hybrid biological systems with membrane technologies such as Anaerobic Bioreactor coupled with Membrane Distillation (AnMBR-MD) and Anaerobic Bioreactor coupled with Forward Osmosis (AnMBR-FO). The evaluation will comprise of comparative performance of osmotic and thermal-driven membrane anaerobic MBRs, involving treatment/reclamation efficiency, biogas generation, draw solution (DS) optimization and recovery, and heat optimization. Such hybrid biological systems represent up-to-date approaches to wastewater treatment and offer significant advantages in terms of efficiency, sustainability, and resource recovery. The choice between these systems depends on specific wastewater characteristics, energy availability, and economic considerations. By integrating these advanced technologies, wastewater treatment can be transformed into a more sustainable and resource-efficient process, contributing to environmental protection, energy conservation, and resource recovery, leading to zero liquid discharge approach.

Celsa Group

University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing

UNIZGFER is a leading higher education and R&D institution in the areas of electrical engineering, ICT and computing in Croatia. On its undergraduate and graduate studies for many years in a row it attracts the most perspective national STEM talents. It performs a high number of publicly and industry funded R&D projects and its 34 research laboratories very comprehensively cover versatile emerging research areas. Laboratory for Renewable Energy Systems at UNIZGFER (LARES, ), as one of these 34 research labs, in which the engagement of UNIZGFER on RESURGENCE is focussed, has a strong expertise in control and automation systems, mathematical optimization for optimal investment sizing, short-term-ahead operations planning or prediction of certain time-dependent/weather-dependent variables, for green technical solutions and infrastructure.


Application of mathematical optimisation and other artificial intelligence methods in industrial wastewater systems design and operation.

Celsa Group

Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento Sant’Anna (SSSA)

Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento Sant’Anna (SSSA) is an Italian autonomous, special statute public university operating in the field of applied sciences. SSSA achieved top positions in the World University Rankings. SSSA trains almost 1200 bachelor, master and PhD students with about 90 professors and 320 people in research staff. SSSA participates to RESURGENCE through the team ICT for Complex Industrial Systems and Processes (ICT-COISP) of the Institute of Communication Information and Perception Technologies (TeCIP). Since its origin, this multidisciplinary team, now composed of 17 researchers (e.g.. chemical, energy, automation and telecommunication engineers, information scientists, mathematicians, one biologist, some of them with PhD in robotics or emerging digital technologies) focuses its activity on the steel sector, by applying advanced data analysis and modelling approaches, also based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), for monitoring, management, optimization and control of steel production processes and related auxiliary processes (e.g. water networks).


SSSA contributes to the development of management models and tools for optimizing water management in the involved industrial facilities mainly focusing on CELSA’s steelworks. In particular, SSSA leads WP3 “Development and test of sensing and optimization tools for water management in industrial plants” with a main focus on the development of software-based sensors, the identification of the potential points for additional sensors installation, and the formulation of control and optimization algorithms for water network management. SSSA is also involved in the other WPs and will develop different types of operating unit models to reproduce the wastewater circuits of the industrial partners, and to conduct scenario analyses of new wastewater treatments. These models will be also integrated into optimisation and control strategy tools for sizing and longer-term operation scheduling. Furthermore, SSSA will provide its contribution in all the activities related to sustainability and economic assessment and dissemination and communications.

Celsa Group

NOVA University Lisbon (UNOVA)

NOVA University Lisbon (UNOVA) is a decentralised Higher Education Institution (HEI) that has its nine Schools scattered throughout the Great Lisbon Area. NOVA School of Science and Technology is one of the schools and is structured in 13 Departments and 16 Research Centres. Research at UNOVA has been thriving both qualitatively and quantitatively: UNOVA currently hosts 39 Research and Development (R&D) Units, 23 of which represent partnerships with other national institutions, and 92% were considered units of excellence. Aligned with the national Science and Technology policies prioritising the technological and scientific system growth and consolidation.

The NOVA School of Science and Technology integrates LAQV-Requimte, the research centre that will be involve in this project. LAQV-Requimte is the largest research centre in Portugal in the domain of sustainable chemistry and green technology; it has the highest status attributed by the Portuguese government (Associate Laboratory) and was evaluated internationally, since its creation in 2001, has “Excellent”.


UNOVA will optimize a membrane filtration process for P&P IPWW treatment at lab-scale and then upscale it for installation in the industrial plant, aiming at sustainable use/reuse of water and energy. UNOVA will also develop software-based sensors for the process monitoring, aiming at the implementation of control and optimization tools at the industrial site.



FUNDITEC is a non-profit technological center located in Madrid. The Funditec Technological Center plays a key role in the value chain of technological development, offering sustainable and safe R&D projects to its clients and industrial partners in accordance with current economic and social needs. The Funditec Technological Center develops innovative projects in our own laboratory facilities in three strategic areas: Advanced Materials, Cybersecurity and Agro-food.


In the Resurgence project, FUNDITEC role involves active participation in Work Package 3, which focuses on the development and testing of sensing and optimization tools for water management in industrial plants. As the lead for Task 3.1, our  primary responsibility is to spearhead the improvement of water monitoring through the research and development of innovative sensors and sensing platforms. This involves coordinating with cross-functional teams to design, test, and implement advanced sensing technologies, ensuring they are effectively integrated into existing water management systems to enhance its efficiency and accuracy and increasing water reusability.



AQUAPORIN is a global water technology company with headquarter in Denmark, dedicated to revolutionizing water purification by using industrial biotechnological techniques and thinking. The company with its staff of 90 employees focuses on solving water-related challenges by providing innovative water technologies to households and industries. The Aquaporin Inside® technology is capable of separating and purifying water from all other compounds and can be implemented in different water sources: residential, industrial and wastewater.


In the project we will function as membrane supplier for FO, BWRO and SWRO membranes for forward osmosis dewatering and draw solution recovery processes. We will also provide expertise and guidance on system design and membrane operation both in small and pilot scale. This includes planning on membrane arrays and flow conditions as well as evaluation and analysis of results.



POZZI LEOPOLDO, with a legacy dating back to 1885, has been a pioneer in the textile machinery industry, offering unparalleled expertise and service. The company has consistently pursued innovation to ensure the longevity and efficiency of its global clientele’s operations. Embracing the challenges of the present, POZZI has shifted its focus towards sustainability, creating products that can be implemented across different fields of application: textile, spirits, energy efficiency and many more. Leveraging its vast experience, POZZI offers bespoke engineering services, crafting custom solutions that precisely meet the unique demands of each customer.


POZZI role within the RESURGENCE project is to develop a system to improve the energy efficiency of industrial facilities by recovering heat from wastewaters. The aim is to reduce the energy demand by developing and implementing heat exchangers able to recover the heat content from large volumes of dirty streams and use it to warm up the clean water required by the processes. With the potential to manage several thousand cubic meters of effluent daily, this approach is poised to significantly reduce both CO2 emissions and operational energy expenses, marking a leap forward in sustainable industrial practices.

Water Europe

Water Europe

Water Europe (WE) is the recognized voice and promotor of water-related innovation, research, and technology development in Europe. WE is a purpose-driven multi-stakeholder association with over 250 members, representing the entire range of actors in the innovative water ecosystem. WE was established by the European Commission as a European Technology Platform. WE is guided in all its activities by its Water Vision with the ultimate ambition of achieving a Water-Smart Society.


Water Europe is leading WP6 on project outreach. WE is responsible for creating and implementing a strategy to disseminate RESURGENCE to target audiences through various media channels; conduct workshops, seminars, and public events to promote community engagement and raise awareness of the project; and assess the effectiveness of communication efforts and adjust strategies as needed to maximize outreach and enhance project visibility.



ENCO is an innovation and research-consulting firm based in Naples, active since 1987. Originally specialized in business consulting and industrial engineering, it has expanded its range of activities becoming an experienced advisor for both private business and public authorities involved in territorial development. The company participates in national and international R&D&I projects as a facilitator for business, product, technology and process innovation in different industrial areas, including energy, environmental management, the agro-food sector and logistics. The company has a long track record participating in EU-funded projects as WP leader, task leader and project coordinator. The company is specialized in the main fields: development of market analysis, business plan and exploitation plans, communication and dissemination strategies, LCA.


ENCO takes charge of the Exploitation, replicability, and industrial symbiosis (WP7) within RESURGENCE, orchestrating a range of crucial activities to maximize project impact and sustainability. T7.1 Monitoring Intellectual Property Rights (IPR): we maintain vigilant oversight of intellectual property rights associated with the project, including safeguarding confidential data, managing licenses, and ensuring that all IPR matters align with project goals and legal requirements. T7.1 Defining Exploitation Strategy and Plan: in cooperation with project partners, we will define routes to exploit Key Exploitable Results (KERs) including the post-project phase. T7.2 Studying Circular Business Models: in line with sustainability principles, we collaborate with project partners to explore and implement these models to promote resource efficiency, waste reduction, and sustainable practices, aligning with modern environmental and business sustainability goals.

Strane Innovation

Strane Innovation

The Strane Innovation Group’s mission is to create, develop and market virtuous innovations for the environment and society. Strane Innovation aims to have an impact on the world. We specialize in circular economy applied to industry via industrial symbiosis. Strane has a long track record participating in EU project: we currently involved in 25 European projects, usually as WP Leader or task Leader. Our main expertise for EU project are: Exploitation ; Sustainability indicators ; Cartography and mapping ; Circular economy and industrial symbiosis ; Circular economy of water and wastewater reuse; Dissemination and Communication; Cognitive and Social sciences.


Strane Innovation contributes to the WP Exploitation, replicability and industrial symbiosis (WP7) within RESURGENCE leading specifically the following tasks T7.3: Circularity Metrics: to determine for each case study the metric indicators of circularity such as percentage of circular water consumption, circular water discharge, renewable energy consumption or reuse of recovered feedstock and T7.4: Synergies among industries and H4C Circularity Studies: to validate in pilot sites the metrics and prepare the replication (guide and lessons learned)


20FIFTY Partners

20FIFTY Partners is a leading purpose-driven research and education organisation specialising in supporting economies and businesses transition to sustainable outcomes. 20FIFTY Partners builds on 20 years of research expertise in water stewardship, circular economy and broader sustainability to deliver evidence-based methodologies, tools, technologies and sustainability programmes to the public and private sector across Europe. Working collaboratively with our key stakeholders, we create value by building the capabilities, competencies and know-how to ensure long term sustainable excellence.
A leading organisation in the global water stewardship movement, over the past two decades 20FIFTY Partners have received multi-million euro in international research funding to assess global climate challenges and identify and develop solutions. Our research has delivered tangible impact at site, sectoral and national / international levels, receiving international recognition for our unique role in translating policy into results


20FIFTY Partners’ role in RESURGENCE is to develop a risk management model to facilitate industrial sites to identify and assess risks across the industrial water lifecycle relating to water circularity process deployment.
The model will incorporate emerging insights to inform the technical and environmental risks faced by industrial sites in the use of these processes which may impact successful implementation of circularity technology adoption and sector wide upscaling.