Project structure
Water efficiency: regeneration, solute and energy recovery & hazardous substances removal
- Obtain and characterise new materials for the innovative treatment processes;
- Study and optimise the disruptive modular treatment & energy recovery processes at lab-scale
WP Leader:
Holistic industrial water circuits modelling
- Development of models for water management, energy efficiency and risk assessment
WP Leader:
Development and test of sensing and optimization tools for water management in industrial plants
- Development of electrochemical and soft sensors and extension of sensor networks;
- Development of advanced AIbased control & optimisation tools;
- Development of digital twins of water treatments; users & distribution systems
WP Leader:
Integration of technologies for the green and digital transition in the industrial water sector
- Selection of the most adequate technologies for each case study;
- Design, construction, validation and, optimisation of the pilots in sites 1-3;
- Validation and optimisation of energy recovery and resource circularity at pilot scale
- Improve sustainability through circular industrial water management
WP Leader:
Sustainability & Economic Assessment
- Analyise & improve environmental sustainability of the new IWW circular technologies;
- Analise and optimise economic performance and social impact of the new technologies;
- Study of ZLD strategies and minimisation ofIWW;
- Minimisation of waste generation by recovery of valuable products
WP Leader:
Project outreach: Dissemination & Communication
- Elaboration and implementation of a Dissemination & Communication Plan,
- Development of a stakeholder engagement strategy,
- Clustering with other relevant initiatives and projects,
- Development of policy recommendations
WP Leader:
Exploitation, replicability, and industrial symbiosis
- Structure the widest exploitation routes,
- Efficient IPR management of project outputs
- Development of circularity metrics for industrial water and WW and recovered energy & feedstock,
- Identification of industrial synergies and seeding and promotion of S4C, including development of S4CP,
- Development and assessment of Campo de Gibraltar urban-industrial symbiosis study
WP Leader:
Project Management
- Coordinate & manage the project and the efficient, smooth & timely execution of the work plan.
- Coordinate overall legal, contractual, financial & administrative management.
- Ensure communication among partners and with the EC to track project progress and meet objectives.
- Complete the project within the agreed schedule and budget and ensure reaching the expected impacts.
WP Leader: